The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive is honoured to invite you to view our extensive online virtual cinema. Over the past few years the archive has uploaded over 600 films, a selection of the most impressive films of the archive's thousands of items. For your convenience, we have divided the films into categories. The categories allow for expidient search and easy access to the free collection.
The virtual cinema contains films documenting an array of subjects such as life in the British mandate before the foundation of Israel, Jewish communities around the world and a plethora of other subjects as they were seen through the eye of the camera lens. The virtual cinema is contantly being updated, with new films being added to the collection for public view.
Viewing films in the virtual cinema is free of charge. To search through the entirety of the Archive's collection, including films that have not been uploaded, visit our catalog.
Furthermore, it is possible to view films that are not part of the virtual cinema via in the physical archive at the Hebrew university by Appointment.
Use of archive material such as copying, copyright and viewing material in the archive is subject to a fee. for informaiton about our pricings and contract please visit our FAQ.