Virtual Cinema

The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive is honoured to invite you to view our extensive online virtual cinema. Over the past few years the archive has uploaded over 600 films, a selection of the most impressive films of the archive's thousands of items. For your convenience, we have divided the films into categories. The categories allow for expidient search and easy access to the free collection.

The virtual cinema contains films documenting an array of subjects such as life in the British mandate before the foundation of Israel, Jewish communities around the world and a plethora of other subjects as they were seen through the eye of the camera lens. The virtual cinema is contantly being updated, with new films being added to the collection for public view.

Viewing films in the virtual cinema is free of charge. To search through the entirety of the Archive's collection, including films that have not been uploaded, visit our catalog.

Furthermore, it is possible to view films that are not part of the virtual cinema via in the physical archive at the Hebrew university by Appointment.

Use of archive material such as copying, copyright and viewing material in the archive is subject to a fee. for informaiton about our pricings and contract please visit our FAQ.

The |Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive

Jewish Communities

This section contains home movies and professional films documenting the vibrant and vigorous life of Jewish communities throughout the world, both in color and black and white, in Europe and the Middle East, past and present. Among other things one can see some rare footage of Jewish people in Poland a few months before World War II, the Jewish community in Morocco documented in color in the 1960s, Israeli political leaders discuss the relationship between the State of Israel and American Jewry and cultural aspects of Jewish life, such as music

For the playlist click here

Jewish community from Edge of the East

Holocaust and World War II

The Holocaust, the greatest tragedy in modern Jewish history, is widely represented in our collection. Most of the films in this category deal with Holocaust survivors after the war, including the classic film The Illegals, about the illegal immigration to Palestine during the British Mandate Rule. Another important piece of history is the testimonies from the Eichmann Trial. One may also find in this section films about Displaced Persons' camps, commemoration projects, a rare color film of Hitler and Mussolini visiting the Eastern Front and the Jewish Yishuv mobilizing  to assist the war effort.

For the playlist click here

Jewish Gravestone


The National Zionist Organizations, fulfilling a crucial role in founding the State of Israel, produced films depicting the rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland. This section contains original films produced between 1911 and 1948, as well as special showcase films produced by the Spielberg Archive. Here one may find  films about founding new settlements, views of israel as it is being renewed with construction, home movies of historic events, the assumed first newsreel ever shot in Israel which concerns a natural disaster in Tiberiasconsequences of Arab Riots in 1929, and some prominent figures such as Teddy Kollek and Shimon Peres in their youth.

For the playlist click here

Zionist Pioneers 

State of Israel

The great wonder of renewed Jewish independence was expressed in films, capturing the big events along with some aspects of everyday life.

For yor viewing convenience, this category is divided into several sections: Revival and Security, about IDF and military affairs such as wars and operations, Rural Settlements and Security, dealing with settlements on the borders, Absorption and Immigration, on Aliyah waves from early Statehood till these days, Cities, about old and new urban settlements, Arts, containing films about some interesting creators in the Israeli artistic world and Health, with films produced by Hadassah, about medical treatment and institutions in Israel.  


Revival and Security

Rural Settlements and Security

Absorption and immigration




The Israeli Flag


This category contains various films documenting historic events as well as the daily life of some

fascinating eras in Zionist and Israeli history.

Newsreels is a series of monthly newsreels produced during 1950s and 1960s, depicting

major events in the fields of politics, diplomacy, security , economy and society.

Generation 1948 is a series of interviews conducted in recent years with veterans of this

important period in Jewish history. Interviewees share their experiences and stories of the

events leading to the foundation of the State of Israel.

Ohalei Palmach is an association commemorating the Palmach, the famous military unit

which operated during World War II and fought against the British Rule. Some of

the films produced by this group are available online in this section.

All playlists in this section are exclusively in Hebrew.


1948 Generation

Ohalei Palmach

Star of David on a Zionist Construction Project

The Hebrew University

The Spielberg Archive functions as a unit within the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Therefore it is a home to many films produced by this institution about its activities. Since its foundation in 1925, the University was connected with many historic events, important figures in the fields of science and politics as well as various momentous enterprises. In this category one may view documentation of scientific activity and development in Israel in addition to prominent personalities in these fields. Moreover, one may follow the evolution of Jerusalem in the 20th century as it grew side by side with the University.

For the playlist press here

Founding of the Hebrew University